AroundMe is a Universal App Template where you can post and share geolocated questions on a Map and comment the questions sent by other users.
This app is useful for all those ones who need to find help nearby, lost something, looking for places around their area or just socialize and find new friends while you’re on vacation in a certain place.
Users can comment, favorite and share questions, as well as report inappropriate/offensive comments/posts.
AroundMe includes a Settings screen where you can edit your own Profile, rate the app on the App Store and follow your social networks pages, as well as read the terms of Use and contact the Admin of the app.
There’s also a nice set of Badges that will be shown on the top of the Profile screens based on the Thank You’s you’ve received for your own comments.
This app includes a Report inappropriate content feature, embedded Google Map and Terms of User HTML file.
Since its backend is by Parse you don’t have to buy any domain/hosting, there are NO PHP files to upload to a web server so you’ll save some money for server side.
AroundMe is a native Android Studio project, Java/XML language, Universal, Parse SDK hosted on, super easy to customize.