YouNews is a Universal App Template where you – as the Admin of the app – can easily add and edit news via the Parse Dashboard hosted on or free CMS panel for Parse apps and have them displayed right away in the app:
You can also send Push Notifications to all registered devices via the Parse Push console on back4app.
Users and readers can comment, like and share news – Login/Sign Up is required for comments and likes – as well as contact the admin by email, rate the app on the App Store. You as the Admin of the app should daily check your database for reported comments and take action for them.
The Category images and names are stored locally within the Xcode project, the User Guide explains how to configure the app, the backend on back4app and how to edit/add categories.
Since its backend is by Parse you don’t have to buy any domain/hosting, there are NO php files to upload to a web server so you’ll save some money for server side. Worried about Parse shutting down? It won’t, please check this out:
YouNews is a native Android Studio project, Java/xml language, Universal, super easy to customize, backend with Parse SDK hosted on